
219: Conquering Imposter Syndrome as a Nurse Writer — A Plan, Produce, Profit Success Story

conquering imposter syndrome as a Nurse Writer: A Plan, Produce, Profit Success Story


We all feel like imposters unless you are a narcissistic megalomaniac! Haha. Every nurse writer has been at that point of needing their first sample, reaching out to their first potential client, writing their first paid article, and getting it back with a bunch of edits. Just do your best and learn as you go. I learned too not to lowball myself. Pricing is very hard in the beginning, but we definitely shouldn't be spending our precious time writing for 1 cent a word for someone on Upwork. Once you have a few articles in your portfolio, know your worth as a nurse writer. That RN, LPN, or NP behind our name increases the clients' Google authority and automatically makes us more valuable as writers. Never forget that!

In today’s episode of The Savvy Scribe Podcast, we have an inspiring success story to share with you. Tune in as we delve into the journey of April Rowe, one of our brilliant nurse writers. From the moment she first contemplated writing content, to overcoming imposter syndrome which led her to achieve her current status as a thriving nurse writer and proud owner of a flourishing writing business, April’s story is sure to captivate and motivate. Don’t miss out on this empowering episode!

Overcoming Imposter Syndrome and Doing It Anyway

About the Guest:
April Rowe, RN, is a freelance health writer and owner of RNtoPen. She has been a registered nurse since 2007, specializing in the Neonatal Intensive Care Unit, Pediatrics, Home Health, Hospice & Palliative Care. She combines her passion for nursing with her love of writing to create a wide range of content. Originally from Reno, Nevada, April recently relocated to South Carolina with her husband, children, and three dogs. In her free time, she enjoys traveling, cooking, walking, crocheting, and practicing Spanish and Italian.
Follow April on LinkedIn!
Key points in this episode:
  • April’s journey — how she started and why she thought of becoming a nurse writer
  • Her pieces of advice to nurses who are struggling with imposter syndrome that holds them back from reaching their goals
  • The current status of her writing career
  • How she started her membership in Plan, Produce, Profit
  • Things she has learned in the course

More episodes for you!

I can't believe it's already been a year! I am so thankful I found you and took your PPP course. You opened so many doors for me. I now know that if I wanted to go full-time as a writer, I could do it. It's fun too. I love learning about new topics that I get assigned. The Nurse Blake Magazine is extra fun, though! I get to interview him and other nurses, and I will be going on his upcoming NurseCon at Sea cruise to the Bahamas in a couple of weeks to conduct interviews onboard. I never thought I would get such an epic nurse writing opportunity!
April Rowe, RN
April Rowe
Nurse Writer


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If you’re ready to start exploring if freelance writing is your next PRN job or even full-time, I invite you to check out the Savvy Nurse Writer Community on Facebook and the Plan Produce Profit Course + Membership to help you get started today!

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